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Suspended Coffee & Meal Campaign

Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

At Cafe Legato, we believe in the power of a warm cup of coffee or a delicious meal to bring comfort and joy. But we also recognize that not everyone in our community has the privilege of enjoying these simple pleasures. That's why we've partnered with the Denzal Foundation to launch our Suspended Coffee & Meal Campaign — an initiative aimed at making a real difference in the lives of those less fortunate.

Volunteers at Food Bank

What is the Suspended Coffee & Meal Campaign?

The Suspended Coffee & Meal Campaign is a charitable initiative that allows customers to pre-purchase coffee or meals for those who may not be able to afford them. It's a simple concept with a profound impact. When you visit Cafe Legato, you have the opportunity to purchase an extra coffee or meal, which we then set aside for someone in need. This small act of kindness can make a world of difference to someone who is struggling.

How does it work?

Participating in the Suspended Coffee & Meal Campaign is easy. When you place your order at Cafe Legato, simply let our staff know that you would like to purchase a suspended item. You can choose to buy a suspended coffee, meal, or both. Your contribution will be added to your bill, and we'll take care of the rest. We keep track of all suspended items and ensure that they are distributed to those in need in our community.

Who benefits from the campaign?

The Suspended Coffee & Meal Campaign benefits anyone in our community who is struggling to afford a warm meal or beverage. This includes individuals experiencing homelessness, low-income families, students, and anyone else who may be facing financial hardship. By participating in the campaign, you are directly contributing to alleviating hunger and providing comfort to those who need it most.

Who benefits from the campaign?

The Suspended Coffee & Meal Campaign benefits anyone in our community who is struggling to afford a warm meal or beverage. This includes individuals experiencing homelessness, low-income families, students, and anyone else who may be facing financial hardship. By participating in the campaign, you are directly contributing to alleviating hunger and providing comfort to those who need it most.

How can you get involved?

There are several ways you can support the Suspended Coffee & Meal Campaign:

  1. Purchase Suspended Items: The simplest way to get involved is by purchasing a suspended coffee or meal the next time you visit Cafe Legato. Your generosity will directly impact someone in need.

  2. Spread the Word: Help us raise awareness about the campaign by sharing it with your friends, family, and colleagues. The more people who know about the Suspended Coffee & Meal Campaign, the greater its impact will be.

  3. Donate Directly: If you're unable to visit Cafe Legato but still want to support the campaign, you can make a donation directly to the Denzal Foundation. Your contribution will go towards providing meals and beverages to those in need.

Together, we can make a difference!

At Cafe Legato, we believe that everyone deserves to enjoy the simple pleasures in life, regardless of their circumstances. By participating in the Suspended Coffee & Meal Campaign, you're helping us make that belief a reality. Thank you for your support, and together, let's make a positive impact in our community.

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